Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Back to School...

I still am in dire need of back-to-school shopping. I mean, for classes like French, English, Socials... the supplies are pretty straight-forward.
  • Binders
  • Lots and lots of paper (both lined, and blank... for doodling ;))
  • Dictionary's.. which I never use anyway
  • Cahier pour les entres... since you know, we will be doing entries again.
  • Notebooks
  • Pens, Pencils etc.
But then there are classes like; Photo.
Which I need to ask ASAP if I'd be able to use an old film camera, good quality, has lenses that I can use (mum) but it takes film... apparently we're low budget, & don't have a dark room, so that just may not be possible. Wonder if there's a certain type of camera you have to have...
But anyways, I can't see there being much to buy for that class. Maybe a few accessories camera-wise. But otherwise? Nothing else.

Also; Film & Television.
So, does THAT require a camera? I'd think not, since the school seems to be well supplied with video camera's... so it seems when we see all those grade 11/12's filming things in the middle of the hallways during classes. And what I'm really hoping for, is a green screen! Gosh, that'd be a whole lot of fun, to play with a green screen. That's the class I'm looking forward to the most.

And finally; Acting & Performance.
Notebooks... a few pens. But last year, drama? Not much supplies needed. Unless you count props, for performances... but it's not exactly like you can really plan all that much in advance. Am really quite excited for this class...
Actually, I was really quite hoping that a certain *cough* pair of pants ... would happen to be in this class. But apparently, it so happens that this pair of pants is not focusing on classes such as these, so I'm currently SOL.

;) HSP.

omg i'm such a creepy kid. :(|


Nicola said...

wow, do you have Photo, Film + Television and Acting + Performance all in the first semester? Cuz if not, you don't really need to worry about buying all the supplies right now.

hehe, pair of pants.

QueenofSpades said...

No, I think I have Photo & Acting in the first semester if I remember correctly ...
I'm not, i'm just stressing :P

yess ma'am.. ;) <3!