I Have The:- Green shade
- Yellow
- Black
- Multiple Pinks
- lime green-yellow
- Feathers
- Gloss
I Need The:- Fake Lashes
- Arrows
- Brushes
- Makeup Tape
- Pale Foundation
ha, not that I need the pale foundation, just to like... rid of the freckles. Not too fond of my freckles. ): Plus, Yes it's ok to be pale, BUT IF YOU'RE GON' BE PALE, you can't have tiny little specks all over your face, that adds like orange and red to the pale. T_T Not cool, not cool. See her skin? Smooth, white, and ... well I was gonna say Soft, but you never know. :P ...Plus my hair doesn't look natural blonde, it looks Yellow, so I look more Barbie Doll, less soft pale girl. T_T And then, my natural hair color is DARK BROWN, which so happens to make NO SENSE possible, since you know, it clashes completely with my skintone. Actually, according to several different people, they all think that I should get brown hair again.. MAKE UP YOUR MINDS PEOPLE. "C'monn... go blonde! Go Blonde!" so i did. And it was a good choice, i mean, I like it. But now; "GO BACK BROWN, c'mon!" ... no. xD i JUST turned blonde. I've been blonde for 5 months. not even, like 4 months since it was end of April. So, maybe, after halloween i'll go back brown. But I happen to need my yellow hair for my costume, thanks so much. ^-^
LMAO, 4 months? That's plenty ;)Well for me, I've been blonde for like... 3 months, then now school starting am I going to stay blonde? Yes, yes it will be lighter, but still. 3 months: too long :(
Yeah, welll i want to go lighter,
like white - blonde.
But, then after, randomly without telling anyone i wanna go back to dark brown.
After Halloween though :P
Oh sweet. Yeah I want to do that too. But only stay light for like.. a couple weeks or so, then go minty, lavender or dark green.
I'm liking the Lav...
minty, not so much.
Dark Green?
Very .. out there in a good way ;)
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