It's still summer, being bored is not allowed. Although this weather doesn't entirely help anything. It's gloomy, dark, muggy, and what I like to call;
Reading Weather.
You know the type? Where you just want to sit in your room, on your nice comfy bed, and read a few books in one day? I'd be doing that right now, though I currently have finished reading all my books, and the ones that I haven't read, I'm just not interested in. Like the murder book that's sitting on my shelf for ages.. Monster, or something like that. It's one of those mysterious; Something under your bed, that murdered your sister, type of books. Just.. not into that right now. There is another type of name for this kind of weather;
Movie Weather.
That is the type that i've been experiencing these past couple of days. Movie, after movie, after movie, and a few phonecalls in between. :) I'm one of those DORKY people that actually watch movies with commentary. =3 Give me a break! You can learn a lot from commentary. Like last night, I watched Edward Scissorhands with commentary from Tim Burton, and I learned that they gave Johnny Depp the scissors months before production, just so he could wear them around the house, and get used to them. And some of those scars on his face? were real. x)

"I make songs that go OOMPA OOMPA, but the moushka's, all they play is Toodle Toot.. is nice, but no so much.. amazing. So i feed them STRONGER CHEESE."

:D I'm sure that's not entirely correct, including the way I spelt moushkas. But it looks awesome... so who cares :)
Ohh.. but I do have to give my respects to ms Spink and Ms Forcible. They were SO funny. Love them two bickering ladies. :D Another thing I learned from commentary (this time, from Coraline);
Originally, Ms Spink, & Ms Forcible's voices were reversed. So that April Spink, had the low, fancy old voice, and Miriam Forcible had the high pitched sweet voice. Another thing I'm quite pleased they switched, since thier voices they chose NOW, suit them much much better. :)

scary, peculiar. Curious. EVIL.
<3. love her. :)
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