Saturday, August 22, 2009

Potters House of Horrors

A Job @ Potter's House of Horrors?
I wish. It seems as though Potter's House of Horrors, is only looking for applicants 18 years + up. Makes sense, since when I volunteered last year there were plenty of people 30 + up, I'm sure there was even a few seniors... I was most definitely the youngest one there. Second youngest? Matt Tye was there last year... I'm thinking he was the youngest. Don't get me wrong...people were friendly and all, but I just miss the first year, when half of Panorama was there, and I got to work with people like Taylor Cheramy, Carmen, & was there at the same time as Lexi S, Stephanie, and a bunch of other folks. Best room that year? Jack the Ripper's room; which I was in twice: Once with Cheramy, & once with Carmen. That was by far the coolest year. Unlike LAST year, where I was stuck being an Alien for 3 nights in a row. Volunteers always get stuck with the suckiest costumes T_T Makes sense I suppose... but the Alien has a big thick, HOT hooded cloak and a mask. Masks are the worst to wear, they get really hot and sweaty and it gets hard to breathe underneath them. AND YOU'RE ALWAYS THIRSTY, but oh it's seriously still so much fun. You get to scare the pants off of your friends, and make macho grown men cry. SO FUNNY. Sometimes, it's really hard not to laugh. I did that a whole lot last year... as long as none of the workers see you it's fine xD But what I REALLY want this year, is for someone to come Volunteer with me :D Last year I volunteered, but they payed me a little thank you cheque, little meaning... well, little. :P But it'd be lots funner if someone came and volunteered with me :D *cough*

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