Monday, January 18, 2010


So I was looking for an Article for my Actualite... for socials class.

And I found an article with the title of; "NAKED SCANNERS"... and decided that this was the article for me :)

So here's the gist.
In Vancouver Airport, they're installing these FULL BODY scanners, that digitally strip you naked.. so that they can check out if you're wearing an underwear bomb... etc. NO JOKE.
It can even tell if you have BREAST IMPLANTS. wtf.

This makes me not want to fly. ANYWHERE. I don't want to be naked in the public!! EW. WEIRD. what kind of creepazoid decided to make this dumb machine??
And the worst part of it??

I'm taking a plane in APRIL. These things are being installed in MARCH.
can't make me.

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