Okay so I decided to write about socials. Just because I felt like it.
So I think all frenchies agree here when I say we hate socials very much.
Just to look on a positive note, let's look at the good side of socials class.
6. You can sleep in class.
Well... I guess there isn't really a positive side, unless you manage to sleep. Let me change that list.
1. Mick Sandhu is a better teacher.
2. You learn more banging your head agaisn't the wall.
3. She says "EEEHHHH" to everything you say.
4. We'd rather fall of a cliff than be in the class.
5. She takes old exams - based on a newer curriculum - and makes them our tests.
6. Forget it, i'm not getting out of bed.
Okay so I'd like to discuss two thngs: her attitude and her tests.
It's pretty evident that she has quite the attitude. Here are some of my examples.
1. When we were doing those presentations when we had to read her notes and describe them to the class, I was trying to talk about my part when all of a sudden she was like "EEEHHHH". I don't know what teacher goes around and makes buzzer noises but I find that to be quite rude. Whenever i'm in socials class, I feel like i'm on a gameshow where I always get the answer wrong, don't you agree?
2. Whenever you talk to her one-on-one concerning a test question or a project, doens't her voice sound like she wants to kill you or something? I'm talking about the harshness of her voice. It's like I gotta wear my battle gear and learn kung fu before I go and ask her what the answer is to number 5.
3. How many times has she said "taissez-vous!"... oh yeah that's going to solve my problem, telling my students to shut up. So much for showing respect... she's breaking one of the school rules already. Seriously we need someone to videotape a class to have proof. Please Tremblay, my mother don't talk to me like that... foo.
4. She believes that us students know everything before we are "taught" by her. Yeah, flip through the textbook and look through the pictures and you'll know more than half the story, hmm... Sure a picture of a donut and a face-covered inuit is going to tell me alot... This isn't kindergarten where we look at picture books and adore the pictures. Nothing is taught staight to the point in the class. I remembere when we were doing the government unit. She says, okay, what is the answer to this... common we learned this 50 years ago - how can none of you not know the answer???
Well that's her attitude and I bet you it won't change. Just watch those of you in french class next semester. We will be teaching ourselves french 11. >.<
Hah. Okay yeah these aren't her tests, right... take a read through.
1. Okay I find this quite annoying, when you ask her a question that was on a test and she tells you she doesn't know... why? Because it came out of a previous exam. Well she is a socials teacher, right? So she should be able to answer our questions... You can't make every excuse and say that it came from an old test, why don't you actually write your own tests. Normally none of the questions we have on tests refer to her worthless notes. Oh yeah... I'm going to give them a test from 7 years ago and hopefully the curriculum and the types of questions will not have changed yet...
2. Today I had a question from our geo humaine test, about the cause a effet thing. I was trying to prove my point by saying that my answer is right and that the answer key is wrong. Well first she told me "number 1", that it came from old tests. So I tried to prove my point. I told her, "If there is less water in the ocean, then of course that means less oxygen which means there will be more CO2 in the atmosphere". She replied, "WOAH WOAH, wait Brendan... YOUR TELLING ME THERES OXYGEN IN THE OCEAN???". She didn't believe me... She told me that she wasn't sure if my logic was correct and she said that she doesn't know if there is oxygen in the water because she isn't a science teacher...
3. I hate how EVERY essay follows the same format. It's either about "developpement du canada" or "les repercussions positifs ET negatifs". How can we talk about society, politics and economy based on every single little detail that we have never learned in an essay? I mean sure she actually tells us what we should of written about... after the test when she mentions those things for the first time ever. "Comment est-ce que le jitterbug aide au developpement du canada?" write me an essay with economy, society and politics on that subject, will you? Same with the positive and negative. If you write an essay with more negatives, she'll say you need more positives. If you write an essay with more positives, she'll say you need more negatives. If you have an equal amount of both, she'll say that isn't possible to have an equal amount.
4. Why would you ask a question about soup in a test and then not know about it? How can you talk about Terry Fox and the Marathon of hope when we never talked about it? I mean we probably went through it quickly when we "tourner la page, tourner la page" quickly through the book. She expects us to know everything, but we're human, we are not a google search engine.
Seriously, I gave up on socials... last year.
To summarize, let me show you a short skit.
S: Le francais est etabli pendant les annees 50's...
M: NON, EEEHHHH. Qui sait la bonne reponse?
Another S: pendant les annees...
M: EEEHHHH. La response c'est les annees 60's.
S: mais dans vos notes, ca dit que c'est les annees 50...
M: Taissez vous! Ca vient d'un examen donc ce n'est pas ma faute!
S: mais la response "annees 60's" n'est pas meme dans le choix multiple! quel lettre est la bonne reponse madame?
S: accent aigu??? mais il n'y a pas de...
Okay I think i'm done talking about socials now. But seriously...
Mme Tremblay. Suck it.
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