step into the wild imagination of your not so typically average girl. My name is Cassandra, and you are welcome to walk through my thoughts. Or Frolic, if that's what you prefer.
Monday, August 31, 2009
told you so.
Things to do this Week:
Things to do this Week:
- Meet Izzy up at the school tomorrow morning and go bargain hunting for an hour or two at Value Village, and Talize.
- Corn Maze tomorrow night (would like nic to call me if any plans change)
- Go to Metro with Izzy on wednesday, back to school clothes shopping. 100$ to burn LETS GO.
- Was thinking of spending the night at someone's place wednesday. Will invite myself over because that's what friends do xD
- Would like nic to come with me to get my hair cut on thursday... because she loves me? =3
- Need to fit Nathalie in there somewhere, and Kails and Zahra, and Heath and Jess and Jacqueline ..
Delicious. T_T
Saturday night, was my birthday dinner at Uncle Rich's place.
Fun stuff, right? Sat around, eat good food and have good punch, sip of wine here and there from the relatives, tastes of sangria from the cool auntie :P Salmon for dinner, and many other things. All was good. I even got SUPER COOL GIFTS consisting of;
*says in dramatic movie guy voice*
10:00 pm, started feeling nautious... hung around the bathroom incase of sudden upchuck.
Rode in the front seat of the car on the way home, bucket in hand.
Went upstairs, and straight to bed at home.
MIDNIGHT, woke up and to my delight spewed everywhere, vomit = red. Assuming that was because of the wine. YUMMY. cried for mummy, who cleaned it all up, thank god for mummies ^-^
and from then on, every half an hour, upchuck time.
But like, after the second time, there was nothing left in me to puke.. so it would be CONTINUOUS gagging, really loud gagging of nothing, and it KILLED my throat the next day.
Yesterday i did NOT leave my room in the first time... ever i think.
Didn't go downstairs, didn't even OPEN my door... mum would come in and put new movies in every few hours, unless i was sleeping. Otherwise she'd refill my gingerale, which i hardly drank any of.
Movies watched yesterday that mumsy decided were suitable for a sick day;
Threw up ONCE yesterday when i tried to drink some tea... not such a good idea. BUT I WAS HUNGRY (still am)
Right now, i haven't eaten ANYTHING for 2 whole days... considering the fact I'd lost everything the night before. I IS SO HUNGRY. mum says can't have anything but gingerale.. do you know how satisfying ginger-ale is? NOT ENTIRELY.
But on a happier note, I am SUPER happy that i got sick NOW, and not for this week, since it IS the last week of summer i have many things to do.
in fact, i shall make a post right now of things to do this week :)
Fun stuff, right? Sat around, eat good food and have good punch, sip of wine here and there from the relatives, tastes of sangria from the cool auntie :P Salmon for dinner, and many other things. All was good. I even got SUPER COOL GIFTS consisting of;
- A Bracelet and Ring from the sister (very pretty btw)
- "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" from my brother, haven't watched yet. SO EXCITED.
- C.L Dodgson/Lewis Carrol 'the works of' started reading yesterday, will take a month or so.
- 75$
- a coupon that my Parents made for me to spend 100$ at any clothing store that i wish! woo!!
- A very pretty figurine from my grandparents. (the book was from them too ^ ^ ^)
- A vase full of GORGEOUS roses for my bedroom
*says in dramatic movie guy voice*
10:00 pm, started feeling nautious... hung around the bathroom incase of sudden upchuck.
Rode in the front seat of the car on the way home, bucket in hand.
Went upstairs, and straight to bed at home.
MIDNIGHT, woke up and to my delight spewed everywhere, vomit = red. Assuming that was because of the wine. YUMMY. cried for mummy, who cleaned it all up, thank god for mummies ^-^
and from then on, every half an hour, upchuck time.
But like, after the second time, there was nothing left in me to puke.. so it would be CONTINUOUS gagging, really loud gagging of nothing, and it KILLED my throat the next day.
Yesterday i did NOT leave my room in the first time... ever i think.
Didn't go downstairs, didn't even OPEN my door... mum would come in and put new movies in every few hours, unless i was sleeping. Otherwise she'd refill my gingerale, which i hardly drank any of.
Movies watched yesterday that mumsy decided were suitable for a sick day;
- Wedding Crashers
- Just my Luck
- Anchorman
- Red Eye
- The Break Up
- Miss Congeniality 2
Threw up ONCE yesterday when i tried to drink some tea... not such a good idea. BUT I WAS HUNGRY (still am)
Right now, i haven't eaten ANYTHING for 2 whole days... considering the fact I'd lost everything the night before. I IS SO HUNGRY. mum says can't have anything but gingerale.. do you know how satisfying ginger-ale is? NOT ENTIRELY.
But on a happier note, I am SUPER happy that i got sick NOW, and not for this week, since it IS the last week of summer i have many things to do.
in fact, i shall make a post right now of things to do this week :)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I, {insert name here} QUEEN OF SPADES, will NOT spend more than 20$ on the last week of summer.
... yea right.
... yea right.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Julie & Julia
Cute movie, Meryl Streep = AWESOME, and cutest voice you'll ever hear :)
will review properly later on.
Kailey & I went to see this movie tonight, and it was quite random and sparatical, if you ask me. We met up with Nicola, Zahra & Iveoma at Starbucks, and chatted like the old friends that we are.
Made me feel old...and made me think about the fact that hanging out at Starbucks with friends, sipping coffee may soon become a ritual, or typical hangout once we all get out of school.
Scary thoughts, getting out of school.. won't bother thinking about it.
Anywho, Kailey and I bid adieu to the rest of our girlfriends, and then proceeded to the viewing of "Julie & Julia" :)
20$ later with an armful of popcorn mixed with M&M's and a cola to share, we walked into the theater and started gossiping and catching up, like the boy-crazy gossip queen teenagers we all are. (Admit it, you all like to point at the hot actors in the previews and rave about how sexy they are, while gossiping about your worst enemies, and all the new rumors ;), it's an indulgence we all keep secret)
We then took a good look around us, and Kailey & I were MOST DEFINITELY the YOUNGEST people in that theater.
I'm talking, the whole row in front of us = 60-80 year olds. o.O
Took me & Kailey a lot of focus not to laugh everytime they chuckled that old geizer type chuckle. (Though we broke focus quite a few times, and not to mention.. very obviously)
All in all, good night with some good friends :) Hopefully Kailey and I will grow to be a lot closer this year, i mean we certainly have PLENTY in common... being Leo's that's only natural. Lots of signs are drawn to their own kind, its only because they share many of the same qualities (:
and WARNING; after watching "Julie & Julia" prepare to have STRONG irresistible urges to write in your blog & eat yummy food. :)
bow to your royalty,
~QOS. ;)
will review properly later on.
Kailey & I went to see this movie tonight, and it was quite random and sparatical, if you ask me. We met up with Nicola, Zahra & Iveoma at Starbucks, and chatted like the old friends that we are.
Made me feel old...and made me think about the fact that hanging out at Starbucks with friends, sipping coffee may soon become a ritual, or typical hangout once we all get out of school.
Scary thoughts, getting out of school.. won't bother thinking about it.
Anywho, Kailey and I bid adieu to the rest of our girlfriends, and then proceeded to the viewing of "Julie & Julia" :)
20$ later with an armful of popcorn mixed with M&M's and a cola to share, we walked into the theater and started gossiping and catching up, like the boy-crazy gossip queen teenagers we all are. (Admit it, you all like to point at the hot actors in the previews and rave about how sexy they are, while gossiping about your worst enemies, and all the new rumors ;), it's an indulgence we all keep secret)
We then took a good look around us, and Kailey & I were MOST DEFINITELY the YOUNGEST people in that theater.
I'm talking, the whole row in front of us = 60-80 year olds. o.O
Took me & Kailey a lot of focus not to laugh everytime they chuckled that old geizer type chuckle. (Though we broke focus quite a few times, and not to mention.. very obviously)
All in all, good night with some good friends :) Hopefully Kailey and I will grow to be a lot closer this year, i mean we certainly have PLENTY in common... being Leo's that's only natural. Lots of signs are drawn to their own kind, its only because they share many of the same qualities (:
and WARNING; after watching "Julie & Julia" prepare to have STRONG irresistible urges to write in your blog & eat yummy food. :)
bow to your royalty,
~QOS. ;)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
agh.. ! >:(
Didn't get my schedule still.
Hope i didn't fail Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Hope i didn't fail
Hope I didn't fail
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

- Green shade
- Yellow
- Black
- Multiple Pinks
- lime green-yellow
- Feathers
- Gloss
- Fake Lashes
- Arrows
- Brushes
- Makeup Tape
- Pale Foundation
I know i constantly talk about costumes, but... i love Halloween, what can I say. Right up my alley! &, Samhain just so happens to fall on a Saturday this year, WOO ! So is anybody going to throw a real party this year? I mean, I would REALLY love to have a mini garage type party. Neat, non? Ms Nicola and I have been chatting about that recently... could be just talk, but I would like to get planning, and ... ugh, the dreadful permission. Depends where and how long it is i suppose, and who's coming/going, that's always a big issue.
getting ahead of myself a little.
sorry. xD
- MUSIC, of the good kind. Not weird ME stuff like Kate Nash & Disney music xD
- Food?
- People. haha.
- DECOR. some freaky psychedelic stuff.
- ...mm.. CANDY?
- and a wicked wicked costume.
getting ahead of myself a little.
sorry. xD
katenash lyrix
to get more sleep
that was the pattern from the start.
to get more sleep
just keeps me up
I'D LIKEto be able to write
BUT I CAN'Tseem to find the words.
BREAKmy heart
that was the pattern from the startI TRY
to talk to youBUT YOU
were looking throughINTO THE
somethin' more interestin'THERE MUST HAVE BEEN
somethin' more interestin'YOU
my heartthat was the pattern from the start.
Monday, August 24, 2009

Not sure where I'm going with this btw, just sort of rambling on the spot. But here's a bit of a shoutout to all my friends;
To Do Today;
- Have some Coffee
- Eat something small
- Clean Shower & Floor
- Put Bag in Garbage can
- Babysit for Angela maybe
- Do load of Laundry for mum
- Vacuum the stairways for Mum
- Call Kailey-plan something with her
- Shower and get dressed somewhere in-between xD
i wish blogger gave some sort of notification when people comment on your blogs. So much easier then scrolling down, and double checking whether there's 6 comments now or if they were there before T_T
Sunday, August 23, 2009

OH. i forgot.
My Grandmother's birthday dinner/ MY birthday dinner is that night...
Mum's Suggestion; Ask Nathalie to change the date to Sunday?
My rational Response; Nathalie already invited too many people ): I can't exactly just drop that on her, and be all;
HEY NATS, I can't go to your bonfire, so can you change the date just for me? =3... yeah. Not gonna happen.
Though, the bonfire DOES end at 11:45.. maybe i'd be able to stop in for a bit? bleh. Don't want to bother asking. >.< *sigh*
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Potters House of Horrors
A Job @ Potter's House of Horrors?
I wish. It seems as though Potter's House of Horrors, is only looking for applicants 18 years + up. Makes sense, since when I volunteered last year there were plenty of people 30 + up, I'm sure there was even a few seniors... I was most definitely the youngest one there. Second youngest? Matt Tye was there last year... I'm thinking he was the youngest. Don't get me wrong...people were friendly and all, but I just miss the first year, when half of Panorama was there, and I got to work with people like Taylor Cheramy, Carmen, & was there at the same time as Lexi S, Stephanie, and a bunch of other folks. Best room that year? Jack the Ripper's room; which I was in twice: Once with Cheramy, & once with Carmen. That was by far the coolest year. Unlike LAST year, where I was stuck being an Alien for 3 nights in a row. Volunteers always get stuck with the suckiest costumes T_T Makes sense I suppose... but the Alien has a big thick, HOT hooded cloak and a mask. Masks are the worst to wear, they get really hot and sweaty and it gets hard to breathe underneath them. AND YOU'RE ALWAYS THIRSTY, but oh it's seriously still so much fun. You get to scare the pants off of your friends, and make macho grown men cry. SO FUNNY. Sometimes, it's really hard not to laugh. I did that a whole lot last year... as long as none of the workers see you it's fine xD But what I REALLY want this year, is for someone to come Volunteer with me :D Last year I volunteered, but they payed me a little thank you cheque, little meaning... well, little. :P But it'd be lots funner if someone came and volunteered with me :D *cough*
Friday, August 21, 2009
For my Princess...
the pickety witch, the pickety witch...
Few of my favorite Goddess's ;
I am Bast, cat goddess of Egypt.
I am graceful, flexible, playful, and affectionate.
I radiate the warmth and light of the glorious sun.
I am Diana, Roman goddess of the ever-changing moon.
I am a protectress of women and children; a guardian of the wild.
I focus my aim on my heart's desire and draw it to me.
I am Ereshkigal, Assyro-Babylonian goddess of the underworld, Queen of the Great Below.
I shed dead skin to grow.
Deep powers of renewal are mine.
I am Hecate of Greece, Triple Goddess of the crossroads of choice.
I balance my powers of thought and my emotion.
I choose the path I walk.
The torch of my reason is illumined by my brilliant intuition.
I am Vasudhara, Hindu goddess of abundance.
My six arms hold everything you need and offer it to you.
Earth Water Fire Air Center Spirit Purpose Love Passion Wisdom Here Now
I am Rhiannon, horsewoman, Divine Queen of Wales.
My steady pace is swift and smooth.
I travel freely through the world, safe, serene and secure.
My winged friends can wake the dead, and lull the living to sleep.
loving Rhiannon, Bast & Ereshkigal
For the Film-Deprived...
Movies that Match your Mood
Recently, I was thinking that, whenever I'm in a certain mood, there's a certain movie that asserts that mood... say, if I'm Angry, I'll watch something like Sweeney Todd... if I'm Happy, I'll watch something like Sweeney Todd... if I'm Sad, I'll watch something like Sweeney---okay, maybe I'm not the best example. But I am pretty good at coming up with other ones, for different people ... so here's a little blog I made up... and you know, It may be incorrect, but fun, nevertheless.
if you are HAPPY...
Disney Films are the best kind to watch when you're in a good mood, but if you aren't one of those people who enjoy UP, MONSTERS INC, or FINDING NEMO, then Drew Barrymore seems to do the trick. 50 FIRST DATES? MUSIC AND LYRICS, HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU? All, romantic comedies, yes, but don't we love them? & If Drew just isn't your thing, there's always the classic stupid-comedies; ANCHORMAN is a good one, Will Ferrel? & ANGER MANAGEMENT, Adam Sandler? Good stuff, for good moods. :)
if you are SAD...
Usually people say that when you're sad, you should watch NOTEBOOK, TITANIC, A WALK TO REMEMBER, but those are all sad movies! If you're sad, wouldn't you much rather be cheered up? For those of you sane enough not to watch sad movies when you're sad, Films I'd recommend for a good laugh are; 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN, SOMETHING ABOUT MARY, ROLE MODELS, I LOVE YOU MAN. All movies that should at least get you giggling again. :)
if you are ANGRY...
I have to say, whenever I'M angry, don't know about you, I like to watch super revengeful, mad, angry movies, to make me feel better. Hate to say it, but SWEENEY TODD is the perfect film for this kind of mood. SECRET WINDOW, is another great one, but if Johnny Depp isn't your thing... which I scorn you for, because he better damn well be your thing, here are a few other angry, vengeful films; CHICAGO is a classic story about revenge, PANS LABYRINTH has lots of fighting, war, punishing scenes in it, sure to fit your mood perfectly. And then ANY Stephen King film should do, as well.
if you are BORED...
You should watch something that make you think. THE NUMBER 23 is a good movie that has a great twist at the end, as well as SECRET WINDOW, both movies remind me of each other, because well, frankly, THE NUMBER 23 stole SECRET WINDOW'S plot. :P Their exactly the same... well the ending is at least. Also, and of the old PINK PANTHERS are thinking movies, as well as PUSH, for a more up-to-date film.
And if none of these movies satisfy you enough for your moods,
leave a comment with a movie you think would fit, and i'll include it :)
if you are HAPPY...
Disney Films are the best kind to watch when you're in a good mood, but if you aren't one of those people who enjoy UP, MONSTERS INC, or FINDING NEMO, then Drew Barrymore seems to do the trick. 50 FIRST DATES? MUSIC AND LYRICS, HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU? All, romantic comedies, yes, but don't we love them? & If Drew just isn't your thing, there's always the classic stupid-comedies; ANCHORMAN is a good one, Will Ferrel? & ANGER MANAGEMENT, Adam Sandler? Good stuff, for good moods. :)
if you are SAD...
Usually people say that when you're sad, you should watch NOTEBOOK, TITANIC, A WALK TO REMEMBER, but those are all sad movies! If you're sad, wouldn't you much rather be cheered up? For those of you sane enough not to watch sad movies when you're sad, Films I'd recommend for a good laugh are; 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN, SOMETHING ABOUT MARY, ROLE MODELS, I LOVE YOU MAN. All movies that should at least get you giggling again. :)
if you are ANGRY...
I have to say, whenever I'M angry, don't know about you, I like to watch super revengeful, mad, angry movies, to make me feel better. Hate to say it, but SWEENEY TODD is the perfect film for this kind of mood. SECRET WINDOW, is another great one, but if Johnny Depp isn't your thing... which I scorn you for, because he better damn well be your thing, here are a few other angry, vengeful films; CHICAGO is a classic story about revenge, PANS LABYRINTH has lots of fighting, war, punishing scenes in it, sure to fit your mood perfectly. And then ANY Stephen King film should do, as well.
if you are BORED...
You should watch something that make you think. THE NUMBER 23 is a good movie that has a great twist at the end, as well as SECRET WINDOW, both movies remind me of each other, because well, frankly, THE NUMBER 23 stole SECRET WINDOW'S plot. :P Their exactly the same... well the ending is at least. Also, and of the old PINK PANTHERS are thinking movies, as well as PUSH, for a more up-to-date film.
And if none of these movies satisfy you enough for your moods,
leave a comment with a movie you think would fit, and i'll include it :)
Later wannabe-Gators. ;)
Do you have a dream home? Like, something you can totally just, picture yourself living in, when you're older, and settled in? I think about that a lot, like a home that's all to myself, a gorgeous place that's all mine. But my dream home is very... never going to happen. If you know what I mean.
I want to live in a small tiny condo, well, not too small, but not too big. Preferably in France, or some place in Europe. My Dream Home should be situated near a small cutesy cafe, where I can go have coffee every other morning or so. My home will be completely white. Everything, from the floors, the the walls, to the roof, will be a bright, clean, refreshing white. I even want most of the furniture to be white, maybe a few of my accent colors for chairs or something, but I want pretty much, a white wonderland home. Of course, it would be quite eye-popping if completely white, with no other colors to be seen, therefore, I will have accents of Red & Black... but not overwhelming the white wonderland sensation. You know, red pillows on the couches, Black picture frames on the walls. What I want in the living room, is thick black picture frames, but of simple red things as the picture. Such as a juicy red apple, a red rose, or hearts. Simple, yet elegant and pretty. I also want a clear, beautiful vase here and there, containing a single red rose in each. Again, accenting the white. Maybe a black shag carpet in the bedroom... shag carpets feel good on your feet :P And a big fat, fluffy red blanket on my white bed sheets. Canopy bed too cheezy? Who cares this is MY dream home, I'm allowed to make it as cheezy as I'd like it to be. My bathroom, also completely white, shall be one of the rooms containing a single red rose in a vase, and will be spotless, clean, and wonderfully white. I then want a single room, strictly for movies, we shall name it... the Film-Viewing space, and it will be not white, however completely black. Since you know, it's nice to watch movies in a dark room, unlike a white room. This room, will also contain a single red rose. And the walls will be littered with many film posters/reviews. I will have a whole wall full of movies, and yes, I shall own every Johnny Depp movie ever made. So far, we have a living room, a bedroom, bathroom, and Film-Viewing space.. practical? Yes. Finally, my kitchen. You guessed it, completely white, and instead of a single red rose in this space, we shall have dozens of them, because Roses will be my flower ;)
Although, somewhere in the house, I am going to have to put tigerlilies, because they are my favorite flower. Anyways, I will have candles, spread out everywhere throughout the home, since I certainly love my candles. Mostly red based scents, red & orange, and dark pinks, so that the scents blend well together. And Incense, I will burn lots of incense in my home, cider, cinnamon, pumpkin.. spiced based incense, so then again, they blend well together, as well as with the candles. I will own cats. Not too many, since I do not wish to be labeled crazy cat lady. I'd want a white cat, and name her Hecate, and a black cat named; Hellewise. Both ancient goddesses. And i think that pretty much sums up my dream home.
Lovely, is it not?
I want to live in a small tiny condo, well, not too small, but not too big. Preferably in France, or some place in Europe. My Dream Home should be situated near a small cutesy cafe, where I can go have coffee every other morning or so. My home will be completely white. Everything, from the floors, the the walls, to the roof, will be a bright, clean, refreshing white. I even want most of the furniture to be white, maybe a few of my accent colors for chairs or something, but I want pretty much, a white wonderland home. Of course, it would be quite eye-popping if completely white, with no other colors to be seen, therefore, I will have accents of Red & Black... but not overwhelming the white wonderland sensation. You know, red pillows on the couches, Black picture frames on the walls. What I want in the living room, is thick black picture frames, but of simple red things as the picture. Such as a juicy red apple, a red rose, or hearts. Simple, yet elegant and pretty. I also want a clear, beautiful vase here and there, containing a single red rose in each. Again, accenting the white. Maybe a black shag carpet in the bedroom... shag carpets feel good on your feet :P And a big fat, fluffy red blanket on my white bed sheets. Canopy bed too cheezy? Who cares this is MY dream home, I'm allowed to make it as cheezy as I'd like it to be. My bathroom, also completely white, shall be one of the rooms containing a single red rose in a vase, and will be spotless, clean, and wonderfully white. I then want a single room, strictly for movies, we shall name it... the Film-Viewing space, and it will be not white, however completely black. Since you know, it's nice to watch movies in a dark room, unlike a white room. This room, will also contain a single red rose. And the walls will be littered with many film posters/reviews. I will have a whole wall full of movies, and yes, I shall own every Johnny Depp movie ever made. So far, we have a living room, a bedroom, bathroom, and Film-Viewing space.. practical? Yes. Finally, my kitchen. You guessed it, completely white, and instead of a single red rose in this space, we shall have dozens of them, because Roses will be my flower ;)
Although, somewhere in the house, I am going to have to put tigerlilies, because they are my favorite flower. Anyways, I will have candles, spread out everywhere throughout the home, since I certainly love my candles. Mostly red based scents, red & orange, and dark pinks, so that the scents blend well together. And Incense, I will burn lots of incense in my home, cider, cinnamon, pumpkin.. spiced based incense, so then again, they blend well together, as well as with the candles. I will own cats. Not too many, since I do not wish to be labeled crazy cat lady. I'd want a white cat, and name her Hecate, and a black cat named; Hellewise. Both ancient goddesses. And i think that pretty much sums up my dream home.
Lovely, is it not?
Spears... love her.
Everybody's Talking
why can't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, MAKE my own decisions...
that's my
why can't they just let me live?
I don't need permission, MAKE my own decisions...
that's my
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back to School...
I still am in dire need of back-to-school shopping. I mean, for classes like French, English, Socials... the supplies are pretty straight-forward.
Which I need to ask ASAP if I'd be able to use an old film camera, good quality, has lenses that I can use (mum) but it takes film... apparently we're low budget, & don't have a dark room, so that just may not be possible. Wonder if there's a certain type of camera you have to have...
But anyways, I can't see there being much to buy for that class. Maybe a few accessories camera-wise. But otherwise? Nothing else.
Also; Film & Television.
So, does THAT require a camera? I'd think not, since the school seems to be well supplied with video camera's... so it seems when we see all those grade 11/12's filming things in the middle of the hallways during classes. And what I'm really hoping for, is a green screen! Gosh, that'd be a whole lot of fun, to play with a green screen. That's the class I'm looking forward to the most.
And finally; Acting & Performance.
Notebooks... a few pens. But last year, drama? Not much supplies needed. Unless you count props, for performances... but it's not exactly like you can really plan all that much in advance. Am really quite excited for this class...
Actually, I was really quite hoping that a certain *cough* pair of pants ... would happen to be in this class. But apparently, it so happens that this pair of pants is not focusing on classes such as these, so I'm currently SOL.
;) HSP.
omg i'm such a creepy kid. :(|
- Binders
- Lots and lots of paper (both lined, and blank... for doodling ;))
- Dictionary's.. which I never use anyway
- Cahier pour les entres... since you know, we will be doing entries again.
- Notebooks
- Pens, Pencils etc.
Which I need to ask ASAP if I'd be able to use an old film camera, good quality, has lenses that I can use (mum) but it takes film... apparently we're low budget, & don't have a dark room, so that just may not be possible. Wonder if there's a certain type of camera you have to have...
But anyways, I can't see there being much to buy for that class. Maybe a few accessories camera-wise. But otherwise? Nothing else.
Also; Film & Television.
So, does THAT require a camera? I'd think not, since the school seems to be well supplied with video camera's... so it seems when we see all those grade 11/12's filming things in the middle of the hallways during classes. And what I'm really hoping for, is a green screen! Gosh, that'd be a whole lot of fun, to play with a green screen. That's the class I'm looking forward to the most.
And finally; Acting & Performance.
Notebooks... a few pens. But last year, drama? Not much supplies needed. Unless you count props, for performances... but it's not exactly like you can really plan all that much in advance. Am really quite excited for this class...
Actually, I was really quite hoping that a certain *cough* pair of pants ... would happen to be in this class. But apparently, it so happens that this pair of pants is not focusing on classes such as these, so I'm currently SOL.
;) HSP.
omg i'm such a creepy kid. :(|
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
did you get lost?
Need help?
where's mine ?
did you get lost?
Need help?
where's mine ?
Reminds me of you guys.
FRIENDS: Borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
BEST FRIENDS: Loses your crap and tells you, "My bad...here's a tissue."
FRIENDS: Only know a few things about you.
BEST FRIENDS: Could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story...
FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds butt that left you
FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME."
FRIENDS: You have to tell them not to tell anyone.
BEST FRIENDS: Already know not to tell.
that bolded one, happened yesterday. xD
BEST FRIENDS: Loses your crap and tells you, "My bad...here's a tissue."
FRIENDS: Only know a few things about you.
BEST FRIENDS: Could write a very embarrassing biography on your life story...
FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing.
BEST FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds butt that left you
FRIENDS: Would knock on your front door.
BEST FRIENDS: Walk right in and say "I'M HOME."
FRIENDS: You have to tell them not to tell anyone.
BEST FRIENDS: Already know not to tell.
that bolded one, happened yesterday. xD
Tomorrow, I officially turn 16 years old.
It just doesn't feel all that awesome. 16. Woo ? The fact that I have nothing to do tomorrow may have something to do with it. Actually.
That's a lie,
I think I might hang out with Bradley & take pictures of him xD Since you know, he most definitely needs a few new awesome profile pics. Maybe I shall ask Jacqueline encore, si elle voulais viens? Haven't seen my hubby in quite a long time. What I WANTED to do, was sleepover at Natty's house, and then spend the day with her tomorrow :)
But.. mum doesn't want me to sleepover anywhere. T_T
ugh. Whatever.
Speaking of Jacqueline, we still need to get together to do choreo... since we haven't done that in quite some time. We've only done it once... and PRC is in November. And we wanted to be perfect.. so I suppose that we'll have to get together quite soon, and at least finish 4 numbers. I think that's reasonable, non?
Soo, Yesterday, me, Zahra, Nicola, & Iveoma sparatically decided to go to the mall. & Guess quoi, ladies and gents?
Yes siree, I am a brave soul. ^-^
Ok.. so i'm a big chicken, and panicked everytime i had to put the coins in the slot. Nicola laughed at me once, actually, all she said was; Fail.
Oh, and on the first bus, there was this creepy guy, with a Hawaiian shirt on, and it wasn't buttoned down all the way, and he had a huge stomach bulging out from it, and he was hairy. And he was REALLY gross. o.O
Buses = ew.
It just doesn't feel all that awesome. 16. Woo ? The fact that I have nothing to do tomorrow may have something to do with it. Actually.
That's a lie,
I think I might hang out with Bradley & take pictures of him xD Since you know, he most definitely needs a few new awesome profile pics. Maybe I shall ask Jacqueline encore, si elle voulais viens? Haven't seen my hubby in quite a long time. What I WANTED to do, was sleepover at Natty's house, and then spend the day with her tomorrow :)
But.. mum doesn't want me to sleepover anywhere. T_T
ugh. Whatever.
Speaking of Jacqueline, we still need to get together to do choreo... since we haven't done that in quite some time. We've only done it once... and PRC is in November. And we wanted to be perfect.. so I suppose that we'll have to get together quite soon, and at least finish 4 numbers. I think that's reasonable, non?
Soo, Yesterday, me, Zahra, Nicola, & Iveoma sparatically decided to go to the mall. & Guess quoi, ladies and gents?
Yes siree, I am a brave soul. ^-^
Ok.. so i'm a big chicken, and panicked everytime i had to put the coins in the slot. Nicola laughed at me once, actually, all she said was; Fail.
Oh, and on the first bus, there was this creepy guy, with a Hawaiian shirt on, and it wasn't buttoned down all the way, and he had a huge stomach bulging out from it, and he was hairy. And he was REALLY gross. o.O
Buses = ew.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Curls, Gloss & Lacey Frills
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Aint he...
Brothers Grimm # 1
So every so often, I intend to post a Brother's Grimm story, just to share the lovely tales of creepiness with you. They are long, so I don't entirely expect you to read them. Although. I highly recommend it.
Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter with his wife and his two children. The boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel. He had little to bite and to break, and once, when great dearth fell on the land, he could no longer procure even daily bread.
Now when he thought over this by night in his bed, and tossed about in his anxiety. He groaned and said to his wife, "What is to become of us? How are we to feed our poor children, when we no longer have anything even for ourselves?"
"I'll tell you what, husband," answered the woman, "early tomorrow morning we will take the children out into the forest to where it is the thickest. There we will light a fire for them, and give each of them one more piece of bread, and then we will go to our work and leave them alone. They will not find the way home again, and we shall be rid of them."
"No, wife," said the man, "I will not do that. How can I bear to leave my children alone in the forest? The wild animals would soon come and tear them to pieces."
"Oh! you fool," said she, "then we must all four die of hunger, you may as well plane the planks for our coffins," and she left him no peace until he consented.
"But I feel very sorry for the poor children, all the same," said the man.
The two children had also not been able to sleep for hunger, and had heard what their step-mother had said to their father. Gretel wept bitter tears, and said to Hansel, "Now all is over with us."
"Be quiet, Gretel," said Hansel, "do not distress yourself, I will soon find a way to help us." And when the old folks had fallen asleep, he got up, put on his little coat, opened the door below, and crept outside.
The moon shone brightly, and the white pebbles which lay in front of the house glittered like real silver pennies. Hansel stooped and stuffed the little pocket of his coat with as many as he could get in. Then he went back and said to Gretel, "Be comforted, dear little sister, and sleep in peace, God will not forsake us," and he lay down again in his bed.
When day dawned, but before the sun had risen, the woman came and awoke the two children, saying, "Get up, you sluggards. We are going into the forest to fetch wood." She gave each a little piece of bread, and said, "There is something for your dinner, but do not eat it up before then, for you will get nothing else."
Gretel took the bread under her apron, as Hansel had the pebbles in his pocket. Then they all set out together on the way to the forest.
When they had walked a short time, Hansel stood still and peeped back at the house, and did so again and again. His father said, "Hansel, what are you looking at there and staying behind for? Pay attention, and do not forget how to use your legs."
"Ah, father," said Hansel, "I am looking at my little white cat, which is sitting up on the roof, and wants to say good-bye to me."
The wife said, "Fool, that is not your little cat, that is the morning sun which is shining on the chimneys."
Hansel, however, had not been looking back at the cat, but had been constantly throwing one of the white pebble-stones out of his pocket on the road.
When they had reached the middle of the forest, the father said, "Now, children, pile up some wood, and I will light a fire that you may not be cold."
Hansel and Gretel gathered brushwood together, as high as a little hill. The brushwood was lighted, and when the flames were burning very high, the woman said, "Now, children, lay yourselves down by the fire and rest, we will go into the forest and cut some wood. When we have done, we will come back and fetch you away."
Hansel and Gretel sat by the fire, and when noon came, each ate a little piece of bread, and as they heard the strokes of the wood-axe they believed that their father was near. It was not the axe, however, but a branch which he had fastened to a withered tree which the wind was blowing backwards and forwards. And as they had been sitting such a long time, their eyes closed with fatigue, and they fell fast asleep.
When at last they awoke, it was already dark night. Gretel began to cry and said, "How are we to get out of the forest now?"
But Hansel comforted her and said, "Just wait a little, until the moon has risen, and then we will soon find the way." And when the full moon had risen, Hansel took his little sister by the hand, and followed the pebbles which shone like newly-coined silver pieces, and showed them the way.
They walked the whole night long, and by break of day came once more to their father's house. They knocked at the door, and when the woman opened it and saw that it was Hansel and Gretel, she said, "You naughty children, why have you slept so long in the forest? We thought you were never coming back at all."
The father, however, rejoiced, for it had cut him to the heart to leave them behind alone.
Not long afterwards, there was once more great dearth throughout the land, and the children heard their mother saying at night to their father:
"Everything is eaten again, we have one half loaf left, and that is the end. The children must go, we will take them farther into the wood, so that they will not find their way out again. There is no other means of saving ourselves."
The man's heart was heavy, and he thought, "It would be better for you to share the last mouthful with your children." The woman, however, would listen to nothing that he had to say, but scolded and reproached him. He who says a must say b, likewise, and as he had yielded the first time, he had to do so a second time also.
The children, however, were still awake and had heard the conversation. When the old folks were asleep, Hansel again got up, and wanted to go out and pick up pebbles as he had done before, but the woman had locked the door, and Hansel could not get out. Nevertheless he comforted his little sister, and said, "Do not cry, Gretel, go to sleep quietly, the good God will help us."
Early in the morning came the woman, and took the children out of their beds. Their piece of bread was given to them, but it was still smaller than the time before. On the way into the forest Hansel crumbled his in his pocket, and often stood still and threw a morsel on the ground.
"Hansel, why do you stop and look round?" Said the father. "Go on."
"I am looking back at my little pigeon which is sitting on the roof, and wants to say good-bye to me, answered Hansel.
"Fool." Said the woman, "That is not your little pigeon, that is the morning sun that is shining on the chimney."
Hansel, however, little by little, threw all the crumbs on the path. The woman led the children still deeper into the forest, where they had never in their lives been before.
Then a great fire was again made, and the mother said, "Just sit there, you children, and when you are tired you may sleep a little. We are going into the forest to cut wood, and in the evening when we are done, we will come and fetch you away."
When it was noon, Gretel shared her piece of bread with Hansel, who had scattered his by the way. Then they fell asleep and evening passed, but no one came to the poor children.
They did not awake until it was dark night, and Hansel comforted his little sister and said, "Just wait, Gretel, until the moon rises, and then we shall see the crumbs of bread which I have strewn about, they will show us our way home again."
When the moon came they set out, but they found no crumbs, for the many thousands of birds which fly about in the woods and fields had picked them all up. Hansel said to Gretel, "We shall soon find the way."
But they did not find it. They walked the whole night and all the next day too from morning till evening, but they did not get out of the forest, and were very hungry, for they had nothing to eat but two or three berries, which grew on the ground. And as they were so weary that their legs would carry them no longer, they lay down beneath a tree and fell asleep.
It was now three mornings since they had left their father's house. They began to walk again, but they always came deeper into the forest, and if help did not come soon, they must die of hunger and weariness. When it was mid-day, they saw a beautiful snow-white bird sitting on a bough, which sang so delightfully that they stood still and listened to it. And when its song was over, it spread its wings and flew away before them, and they followed it until they reached a little house, on the roof of which it alighted. And when they approached the little house they saw that it was built of bread and covered with cakes, but that the windows were of clear sugar.
"We will set to work on that," said Hansel, "and have a good meal. I will eat a bit of the roof, and you Gretel, can eat some of the window, it will taste sweet."
Hansel reached up above, and broke off a little of the roof to try how it tasted, and Gretel leant against the window and nibbled at the panes. Then a soft voice cried from the parlor -
"Nibble, nibble, gnaw
who is nibbling at my little house?"
The children answered -
"The wind, the wind,
the heaven-born wind,"
and went on eating without disturbing themselves. Hansel, who liked the taste of the roof, tore down a great piece of it, and Gretel pushed out the whole of one round window-pane, sat down, and enjoyed herself with it.
Suddenly the door opened, and a woman as old as the hills, who supported herself on crutches, came creeping out. Hansel and Gretel were so terribly frightened that they let fall what they had in their hands.
The old woman, however, nodded her head, and said, "Oh, you dear children, who has brought you here? Do come in, and stay with me. No harm shall happen to you."
She took them both by the hand, and led them into her little house. Then good food was set before them, milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. Afterwards two pretty little beds were covered with clean white linen, and Hansel and Gretel lay down in them, and thought they were in heaven.
The old woman had only pretended to be so kind. She was in reality a wicked witch, who lay in wait for children, and had only built the little house of bread in order to entice them there. When a child fell into her power, she killed it, cooked and ate it, and that was a feast day with her. Witches have red eyes, and cannot see far, but they have a keen scent like the beasts, and are aware when human beings draw near. When Hansel and Gretel came into her neighborhood, she laughed with malice, and said mockingly, "I have them, they shall not escape me again."
Early in the morning before the children were awake, she was already up, and when she saw both of them sleeping and looking so pretty, with their plump and rosy cheeks, she muttered to herself, that will be a dainty mouthful.
Then she seized Hansel with her shrivelled hand, carried him into a little stable, and locked him in behind a grated door. Scream as he might, it would not help him. Then she went to Gretel, shook her till she awoke, and cried, "Get up, lazy thing, fetch some water, and cook something good for your brother, he is in the stable outside, and is to be made fat. When he is fat, I will eat him."
Gretel began to weep bitterly, but it was all in vain, for she was forced to do what the wicked witch commanded. And now the best food was cooked for poor Hansel, but Gretel got nothing but crab-shells. Every morning the woman crept to the little stable, and cried, "Hansel, stretch out your finger that I may feel if you will soon be fat."
Hansel, however, stretched out a little bone to her, and the old woman, who had dim eyes, could not see it, and thought it was Hansel's finger, and was astonished that there was no way of fattening him.
When four weeks had gone by, and Hansel still remained thin, she was seized with impatience and would not wait any longer.
"Now, then, Gretel," she cried to the girl, "stir yourself, and bring some water. Let Hansel be fat or lean, to-morrow I will kill him, and cook him."
Ah, how the poor little sister did lament when she had to fetch the water, and how her tears did flow down her cheeks. "Dear God, do help us," she cried. "If the wild beasts in the forest had but devoured us, we should at any rate have died together."
"Just keep your noise to yourself," said the old woman, "it won't help you at all."
Early in the morning, Gretel had to go out and hang up the cauldron with the water, and light the fire.
"We will bake first," said the old woman, "I have already heated the oven, and kneaded the dough." She pushed poor Gretel out to the oven, from which flames of fire were already darting. "Creep in," said the witch, "and see if it properly heated, so that we can put the bread in." And once Gretel was inside, she intended to shut the oven and let her bake in it, and then she would eat her, too.
But Gretel saw what she had in mind, and said, "I do not know how I am to do it. How do I get in?"
"Silly goose," said the old woman, "the door is big enough. Just look, I can get in myself." And she crept up and thrust her head into the oven.
Then Gretel gave her a push that drove her far into it, and shut the iron door, and fastened the bolt. Oh. Then she began to howl quite horribly, but Gretel ran away, and the godless witch was miserably burnt to death. Gretel, however, ran like lightning to Hansel, opened his little stable, and cried, "Hansel, we are saved. The old witch is dead."
Then Hansel sprang like a bird from its cage when the door is opened. How they did rejoice and embrace each other, and dance about and kiss each other. And as they had no longer any need to fear her, they went into the witch's house, and in every corner there stood chests full of pearls and jewels.
"These are far better than pebbles." Said Hansel, and thrust into his pockets whatever could be got in.
And Gretel said, "I, too, will take something home with me," and filled her pinafore full.
"But now we must be off," said Hansel, "that we may get out of the witch's forest."
When they had walked for two hours, they came to a great stretch of water.
"We cannot cross," said Hansel, "I see no foot-plank, and no bridge.
"And there is also no ferry," answered Gretel, "but a white duck is swimming there. If I ask her, she will help us over." Then she cried -
"Little duck, little duck, dost thou see,
Hansel and Gretel are waiting for thee.
There's never a plank, or bridge in sight,
take us across on thy back so white."
The duck came to them, and Hansel seated himself on its back, and told his sister to sit by him.
"No," replied Gretel, "that will be too heavy for the little duck. She shall take us across, one after the other."
The good little duck did so, and when they were once safely across and had walked for a short time, the forest seemed to be more and more familiar to them, and at length they saw from afar their father's house. Then they began to run, rushed into the parlor, and threw themselves round their father's neck. The man had not known one happy hour since he had left the children in the forest. The woman, however, was dead. Gretel emptied her pinafore until pearls and precious stones ran about the room, and Hansel threw one handful after another out of his pocket to add to them. Then all anxiety was at an end, and they lived together in perfect happiness.
My tale is done, there runs a mouse, whosoever catches it, may make himself a big fur cap out of it.
Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter with his wife and his two children. The boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel. He had little to bite and to break, and once, when great dearth fell on the land, he could no longer procure even daily bread.
Now when he thought over this by night in his bed, and tossed about in his anxiety. He groaned and said to his wife, "What is to become of us? How are we to feed our poor children, when we no longer have anything even for ourselves?"
"I'll tell you what, husband," answered the woman, "early tomorrow morning we will take the children out into the forest to where it is the thickest. There we will light a fire for them, and give each of them one more piece of bread, and then we will go to our work and leave them alone. They will not find the way home again, and we shall be rid of them."
"No, wife," said the man, "I will not do that. How can I bear to leave my children alone in the forest? The wild animals would soon come and tear them to pieces."
"Oh! you fool," said she, "then we must all four die of hunger, you may as well plane the planks for our coffins," and she left him no peace until he consented.
"But I feel very sorry for the poor children, all the same," said the man.
The two children had also not been able to sleep for hunger, and had heard what their step-mother had said to their father. Gretel wept bitter tears, and said to Hansel, "Now all is over with us."
"Be quiet, Gretel," said Hansel, "do not distress yourself, I will soon find a way to help us." And when the old folks had fallen asleep, he got up, put on his little coat, opened the door below, and crept outside.
The moon shone brightly, and the white pebbles which lay in front of the house glittered like real silver pennies. Hansel stooped and stuffed the little pocket of his coat with as many as he could get in. Then he went back and said to Gretel, "Be comforted, dear little sister, and sleep in peace, God will not forsake us," and he lay down again in his bed.
When day dawned, but before the sun had risen, the woman came and awoke the two children, saying, "Get up, you sluggards. We are going into the forest to fetch wood." She gave each a little piece of bread, and said, "There is something for your dinner, but do not eat it up before then, for you will get nothing else."
Gretel took the bread under her apron, as Hansel had the pebbles in his pocket. Then they all set out together on the way to the forest.
When they had walked a short time, Hansel stood still and peeped back at the house, and did so again and again. His father said, "Hansel, what are you looking at there and staying behind for? Pay attention, and do not forget how to use your legs."
"Ah, father," said Hansel, "I am looking at my little white cat, which is sitting up on the roof, and wants to say good-bye to me."
The wife said, "Fool, that is not your little cat, that is the morning sun which is shining on the chimneys."
Hansel, however, had not been looking back at the cat, but had been constantly throwing one of the white pebble-stones out of his pocket on the road.
When they had reached the middle of the forest, the father said, "Now, children, pile up some wood, and I will light a fire that you may not be cold."
Hansel and Gretel gathered brushwood together, as high as a little hill. The brushwood was lighted, and when the flames were burning very high, the woman said, "Now, children, lay yourselves down by the fire and rest, we will go into the forest and cut some wood. When we have done, we will come back and fetch you away."
Hansel and Gretel sat by the fire, and when noon came, each ate a little piece of bread, and as they heard the strokes of the wood-axe they believed that their father was near. It was not the axe, however, but a branch which he had fastened to a withered tree which the wind was blowing backwards and forwards. And as they had been sitting such a long time, their eyes closed with fatigue, and they fell fast asleep.
When at last they awoke, it was already dark night. Gretel began to cry and said, "How are we to get out of the forest now?"
But Hansel comforted her and said, "Just wait a little, until the moon has risen, and then we will soon find the way." And when the full moon had risen, Hansel took his little sister by the hand, and followed the pebbles which shone like newly-coined silver pieces, and showed them the way.
They walked the whole night long, and by break of day came once more to their father's house. They knocked at the door, and when the woman opened it and saw that it was Hansel and Gretel, she said, "You naughty children, why have you slept so long in the forest? We thought you were never coming back at all."
The father, however, rejoiced, for it had cut him to the heart to leave them behind alone.
Not long afterwards, there was once more great dearth throughout the land, and the children heard their mother saying at night to their father:
"Everything is eaten again, we have one half loaf left, and that is the end. The children must go, we will take them farther into the wood, so that they will not find their way out again. There is no other means of saving ourselves."
The man's heart was heavy, and he thought, "It would be better for you to share the last mouthful with your children." The woman, however, would listen to nothing that he had to say, but scolded and reproached him. He who says a must say b, likewise, and as he had yielded the first time, he had to do so a second time also.
The children, however, were still awake and had heard the conversation. When the old folks were asleep, Hansel again got up, and wanted to go out and pick up pebbles as he had done before, but the woman had locked the door, and Hansel could not get out. Nevertheless he comforted his little sister, and said, "Do not cry, Gretel, go to sleep quietly, the good God will help us."
Early in the morning came the woman, and took the children out of their beds. Their piece of bread was given to them, but it was still smaller than the time before. On the way into the forest Hansel crumbled his in his pocket, and often stood still and threw a morsel on the ground.
"Hansel, why do you stop and look round?" Said the father. "Go on."
"I am looking back at my little pigeon which is sitting on the roof, and wants to say good-bye to me, answered Hansel.
"Fool." Said the woman, "That is not your little pigeon, that is the morning sun that is shining on the chimney."
Hansel, however, little by little, threw all the crumbs on the path. The woman led the children still deeper into the forest, where they had never in their lives been before.
Then a great fire was again made, and the mother said, "Just sit there, you children, and when you are tired you may sleep a little. We are going into the forest to cut wood, and in the evening when we are done, we will come and fetch you away."
When it was noon, Gretel shared her piece of bread with Hansel, who had scattered his by the way. Then they fell asleep and evening passed, but no one came to the poor children.
They did not awake until it was dark night, and Hansel comforted his little sister and said, "Just wait, Gretel, until the moon rises, and then we shall see the crumbs of bread which I have strewn about, they will show us our way home again."
When the moon came they set out, but they found no crumbs, for the many thousands of birds which fly about in the woods and fields had picked them all up. Hansel said to Gretel, "We shall soon find the way."
But they did not find it. They walked the whole night and all the next day too from morning till evening, but they did not get out of the forest, and were very hungry, for they had nothing to eat but two or three berries, which grew on the ground. And as they were so weary that their legs would carry them no longer, they lay down beneath a tree and fell asleep.
It was now three mornings since they had left their father's house. They began to walk again, but they always came deeper into the forest, and if help did not come soon, they must die of hunger and weariness. When it was mid-day, they saw a beautiful snow-white bird sitting on a bough, which sang so delightfully that they stood still and listened to it. And when its song was over, it spread its wings and flew away before them, and they followed it until they reached a little house, on the roof of which it alighted. And when they approached the little house they saw that it was built of bread and covered with cakes, but that the windows were of clear sugar.
"We will set to work on that," said Hansel, "and have a good meal. I will eat a bit of the roof, and you Gretel, can eat some of the window, it will taste sweet."
Hansel reached up above, and broke off a little of the roof to try how it tasted, and Gretel leant against the window and nibbled at the panes. Then a soft voice cried from the parlor -
"Nibble, nibble, gnaw
who is nibbling at my little house?"
The children answered -
"The wind, the wind,
the heaven-born wind,"
and went on eating without disturbing themselves. Hansel, who liked the taste of the roof, tore down a great piece of it, and Gretel pushed out the whole of one round window-pane, sat down, and enjoyed herself with it.
Suddenly the door opened, and a woman as old as the hills, who supported herself on crutches, came creeping out. Hansel and Gretel were so terribly frightened that they let fall what they had in their hands.
The old woman, however, nodded her head, and said, "Oh, you dear children, who has brought you here? Do come in, and stay with me. No harm shall happen to you."
She took them both by the hand, and led them into her little house. Then good food was set before them, milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. Afterwards two pretty little beds were covered with clean white linen, and Hansel and Gretel lay down in them, and thought they were in heaven.
The old woman had only pretended to be so kind. She was in reality a wicked witch, who lay in wait for children, and had only built the little house of bread in order to entice them there. When a child fell into her power, she killed it, cooked and ate it, and that was a feast day with her. Witches have red eyes, and cannot see far, but they have a keen scent like the beasts, and are aware when human beings draw near. When Hansel and Gretel came into her neighborhood, she laughed with malice, and said mockingly, "I have them, they shall not escape me again."
Early in the morning before the children were awake, she was already up, and when she saw both of them sleeping and looking so pretty, with their plump and rosy cheeks, she muttered to herself, that will be a dainty mouthful.
Then she seized Hansel with her shrivelled hand, carried him into a little stable, and locked him in behind a grated door. Scream as he might, it would not help him. Then she went to Gretel, shook her till she awoke, and cried, "Get up, lazy thing, fetch some water, and cook something good for your brother, he is in the stable outside, and is to be made fat. When he is fat, I will eat him."
Gretel began to weep bitterly, but it was all in vain, for she was forced to do what the wicked witch commanded. And now the best food was cooked for poor Hansel, but Gretel got nothing but crab-shells. Every morning the woman crept to the little stable, and cried, "Hansel, stretch out your finger that I may feel if you will soon be fat."
Hansel, however, stretched out a little bone to her, and the old woman, who had dim eyes, could not see it, and thought it was Hansel's finger, and was astonished that there was no way of fattening him.
When four weeks had gone by, and Hansel still remained thin, she was seized with impatience and would not wait any longer.
"Now, then, Gretel," she cried to the girl, "stir yourself, and bring some water. Let Hansel be fat or lean, to-morrow I will kill him, and cook him."
Ah, how the poor little sister did lament when she had to fetch the water, and how her tears did flow down her cheeks. "Dear God, do help us," she cried. "If the wild beasts in the forest had but devoured us, we should at any rate have died together."
"Just keep your noise to yourself," said the old woman, "it won't help you at all."
Early in the morning, Gretel had to go out and hang up the cauldron with the water, and light the fire.
"We will bake first," said the old woman, "I have already heated the oven, and kneaded the dough." She pushed poor Gretel out to the oven, from which flames of fire were already darting. "Creep in," said the witch, "and see if it properly heated, so that we can put the bread in." And once Gretel was inside, she intended to shut the oven and let her bake in it, and then she would eat her, too.
But Gretel saw what she had in mind, and said, "I do not know how I am to do it. How do I get in?"
"Silly goose," said the old woman, "the door is big enough. Just look, I can get in myself." And she crept up and thrust her head into the oven.
Then Gretel gave her a push that drove her far into it, and shut the iron door, and fastened the bolt. Oh. Then she began to howl quite horribly, but Gretel ran away, and the godless witch was miserably burnt to death. Gretel, however, ran like lightning to Hansel, opened his little stable, and cried, "Hansel, we are saved. The old witch is dead."
Then Hansel sprang like a bird from its cage when the door is opened. How they did rejoice and embrace each other, and dance about and kiss each other. And as they had no longer any need to fear her, they went into the witch's house, and in every corner there stood chests full of pearls and jewels.
"These are far better than pebbles." Said Hansel, and thrust into his pockets whatever could be got in.
And Gretel said, "I, too, will take something home with me," and filled her pinafore full.
"But now we must be off," said Hansel, "that we may get out of the witch's forest."
When they had walked for two hours, they came to a great stretch of water.
"We cannot cross," said Hansel, "I see no foot-plank, and no bridge.
"And there is also no ferry," answered Gretel, "but a white duck is swimming there. If I ask her, she will help us over." Then she cried -
"Little duck, little duck, dost thou see,
Hansel and Gretel are waiting for thee.
There's never a plank, or bridge in sight,
take us across on thy back so white."
The duck came to them, and Hansel seated himself on its back, and told his sister to sit by him.
"No," replied Gretel, "that will be too heavy for the little duck. She shall take us across, one after the other."
The good little duck did so, and when they were once safely across and had walked for a short time, the forest seemed to be more and more familiar to them, and at length they saw from afar their father's house. Then they began to run, rushed into the parlor, and threw themselves round their father's neck. The man had not known one happy hour since he had left the children in the forest. The woman, however, was dead. Gretel emptied her pinafore until pearls and precious stones ran about the room, and Hansel threw one handful after another out of his pocket to add to them. Then all anxiety was at an end, and they lived together in perfect happiness.
My tale is done, there runs a mouse, whosoever catches it, may make himself a big fur cap out of it.
Off with your head. <3
Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored and just a tiny bit bored.
It's still summer, being bored is not allowed. Although this weather doesn't entirely help anything. It's gloomy, dark, muggy, and what I like to call;
Reading Weather.
You know the type? Where you just want to sit in your room, on your nice comfy bed, and read a few books in one day? I'd be doing that right now, though I currently have finished reading all my books, and the ones that I haven't read, I'm just not interested in. Like the murder book that's sitting on my shelf for ages.. Monster, or something like that. It's one of those mysterious; Something under your bed, that murdered your sister, type of books. Just.. not into that right now. There is another type of name for this kind of weather;
Movie Weather.
That is the type that i've been experiencing these past couple of days. Movie, after movie, after movie, and a few phonecalls in between. :) I'm one of those DORKY people that actually watch movies with commentary. =3 Give me a break! You can learn a lot from commentary. Like last night, I watched Edward Scissorhands with commentary from Tim Burton, and I learned that they gave Johnny Depp the scissors months before production, just so he could wear them around the house, and get used to them. And some of those scars on his face? were real. x)
Whatacutie. <3 I also watched Coraline with commentary the other night, Henry Selick, although he is definitely not as interesting as Tim Burton, it was really cool to hear his thoughts, and how he made the movie. Stop Animation ROCKS!!! My favorite character in that movie? Mr Bobinski. In the book, he was supposed to be middle eastern, or something like that, but they made him Russian instead...which I think was a good choice. He was the funniest character in the entire movie. He has THE best quotes.
"I make songs that go OOMPA OOMPA, but the moushka's, all they play is Toodle Toot.. is nice, but no so much.. amazing. So i feed them STRONGER CHEESE."

:D I'm sure that's not entirely correct, including the way I spelt moushkas. But it looks awesome... so who cares :)
Ohh.. but I do have to give my respects to ms Spink and Ms Forcible. They were SO funny. Love them two bickering ladies. :D Another thing I learned from commentary (this time, from Coraline);
Originally, Ms Spink, & Ms Forcible's voices were reversed. So that April Spink, had the low, fancy old voice, and Miriam Forcible had the high pitched sweet voice. Another thing I'm quite pleased they switched, since thier voices they chose NOW, suit them much much better. :)
The lovely,
scary, peculiar. Curious. EVIL.
<3. love her. :)
It's still summer, being bored is not allowed. Although this weather doesn't entirely help anything. It's gloomy, dark, muggy, and what I like to call;
Reading Weather.
You know the type? Where you just want to sit in your room, on your nice comfy bed, and read a few books in one day? I'd be doing that right now, though I currently have finished reading all my books, and the ones that I haven't read, I'm just not interested in. Like the murder book that's sitting on my shelf for ages.. Monster, or something like that. It's one of those mysterious; Something under your bed, that murdered your sister, type of books. Just.. not into that right now. There is another type of name for this kind of weather;
Movie Weather.
That is the type that i've been experiencing these past couple of days. Movie, after movie, after movie, and a few phonecalls in between. :) I'm one of those DORKY people that actually watch movies with commentary. =3 Give me a break! You can learn a lot from commentary. Like last night, I watched Edward Scissorhands with commentary from Tim Burton, and I learned that they gave Johnny Depp the scissors months before production, just so he could wear them around the house, and get used to them. And some of those scars on his face? were real. x)

"I make songs that go OOMPA OOMPA, but the moushka's, all they play is Toodle Toot.. is nice, but no so much.. amazing. So i feed them STRONGER CHEESE."

:D I'm sure that's not entirely correct, including the way I spelt moushkas. But it looks awesome... so who cares :)
Ohh.. but I do have to give my respects to ms Spink and Ms Forcible. They were SO funny. Love them two bickering ladies. :D Another thing I learned from commentary (this time, from Coraline);
Originally, Ms Spink, & Ms Forcible's voices were reversed. So that April Spink, had the low, fancy old voice, and Miriam Forcible had the high pitched sweet voice. Another thing I'm quite pleased they switched, since thier voices they chose NOW, suit them much much better. :)

scary, peculiar. Curious. EVIL.
<3. love her. :)
I really need...
The Brothers Grimm film.. the version with Heath Ledger in it.
THAT IS A MOVIE, THAT TIM BURTON SHOULD RE-DO IN A FEW YEARS. though he has some harsh competition, because whoever directed that movie, was beyond creepy. Favorite part? When the little boys face falls off. And he eats himself >:)
The Brothers Grimm film.. the version with Heath Ledger in it.
THAT IS A MOVIE, THAT TIM BURTON SHOULD RE-DO IN A FEW YEARS. though he has some harsh competition, because whoever directed that movie, was beyond creepy. Favorite part? When the little boys face falls off. And he eats himself >:)
Friday, August 14, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
My Royal family is Expanding.
I am the Queen of Spades,
and there is my lovely new Princess of Spacles...
I think I'm in critical need of a King... <3 ;)
I am the Queen of Spades,
and there is my lovely new Princess of Spacles...
I think I'm in critical need of a King... <3 ;)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I'm sitting here with Z,C,N,&B while we (they) watch "i love you man" and though I'm not watching/interested in this movie at all, I'm perfectly content, sitting here with B's laptop, with my Raspberry Ice Crystal Lite, and a bunch of other junks. :) These past two days have been a pretty trippy sweet Sixteen. Yesterday's photoshoot was amazing, Cee lent me this dress, black & white, gorgeous, and she curled my hair, teased it at the top, and we topped it off with a tiara from Zahra. I thought it looked pretty nice. My makeup was silver, and white, with flecks of yellow in the corners. And yes, I will most definitely post pictures as SOON as I upload them. The rest of the bunch looked equally as stunning. Nic wore a black tube top over top of fishnet, and a really pretty turquoised colored skirt. Really jealous, by the way Nic, if you happen to be reading this ;) Oh, and her makeup was nice too, flecks of eyeliner lining her lids, really cool. Then there was Bells, who wore a really simple outfit, but outrageous eye makeup. And her hair was super awesome. Love Bells, she's got superb makeup skills. Zee was a cutie, as usual. Her hair was all curled, and her makeup dark and simple, and Zee honestly has the best eye smile, you know, the whole Tyra Banks? Smile with your eyes? Mhm, that's Zee. Best poser out of all of us. Then there was Cee. OhhhMyyyGoddesss cee makes me UBER jealous half the time. Her hair was one thing, up in certain places, curled, straightened, fanned out in the back like a dino.. then her face, was pink all down the sides of her face, and she's drop dead gorgeous. Which we all hate/love her for ;)
KIDDING CEE. if you're reading this... erm, I do love you..cept i think you should share some of your pretty :)
So yeah, our photoshoot went really well. We all looked gorgeous, (well we should have, it took us 2 hours to get ready) and really well done up, and Cyrina and I took turns doing the photography on the white screen we used as a background. Very chic. Certainly got a few new profile pics out of that for Facebook. Awesome.
Later we had pizza, debated what to do next, and ended up playing with the Ouija board for a good couple of hours. It was really cool, we all asked super personal, and interesting questions about our futures, and found out things that were both good... and then there were things that were not necessarily so good.. no further explanations provided. But we only stayed up till 3:30am, which I consider pretty good providing that it just so happened to be Zee's first sleepover :) THEN THE NEXT DAY WAS EVEN AWESOMER. we had a pretty darn fantastical tea party, so it wasn't exactly Mad Hatter-ish, no, but it was fancy shmancy, with old fashioned China, and Vanilla Bean tea, and finger sammiches, Deviled Eggs, Fruit, Pasta salad, desserts, everything. Mum thought of absolutely everything. I thought it was pretty great, and Nathalie said; and I quote; "this tea party has enriched my childhood" xD It was cute. Then we watched 17 again, WHICH if anyone is thinking of watching, is a pretty awesome movie, "i had low expectations, but was pleasantly surprised" xD So funny... but yeah, I recommend it, love the actor who plays Ned. Btw. Also in "i love you man". THEN WE DID OUR SPA PARTY. which was so cool. We put this face mask on, and while it dried, you did your foot soak, with the foot scrub, that make your feet abnormally and pleasantly soft and smooth. Then once the face mask has completely and thoroughly dried, then you peel if off your face (which happens to make it look like you're shedding skin, and peeling it off to reveal a shiny, new layer) and it becomes super soft, and amazingly clear. Nathalie took a picture of my face once it was done, and she's like; "Cassandra your complexion is amazing" xD So Im sure that had somthing to do with it as well ;) OH, and then we dipped our hands in wax, and it dried, and you left the hands in bags, and then you peeled the wax off your hands, and they were SUPER SOFT AND AMAZING. so then we painted our nails ^.^ It was a pretty amazing Spa Day. I THINK everyone else would agree with me... i think. But yeah. It was a fun-filled Sweet Sixteen that I will most certainly never forget. Love parties. So much fun. Anyways. thought i'd rant about how sweet of a last couple of days i've had, and how glad I was that nicola, zahra, isabella, nathalie, and cyrina came and stayed for it :D
Thanks guys, Love you to bits :) <3
KIDDING CEE. if you're reading this... erm, I do love you..cept i think you should share some of your pretty :)
So yeah, our photoshoot went really well. We all looked gorgeous, (well we should have, it took us 2 hours to get ready) and really well done up, and Cyrina and I took turns doing the photography on the white screen we used as a background. Very chic. Certainly got a few new profile pics out of that for Facebook. Awesome.
Later we had pizza, debated what to do next, and ended up playing with the Ouija board for a good couple of hours. It was really cool, we all asked super personal, and interesting questions about our futures, and found out things that were both good... and then there were things that were not necessarily so good.. no further explanations provided. But we only stayed up till 3:30am, which I consider pretty good providing that it just so happened to be Zee's first sleepover :) THEN THE NEXT DAY WAS EVEN AWESOMER. we had a pretty darn fantastical tea party, so it wasn't exactly Mad Hatter-ish, no, but it was fancy shmancy, with old fashioned China, and Vanilla Bean tea, and finger sammiches, Deviled Eggs, Fruit, Pasta salad, desserts, everything. Mum thought of absolutely everything. I thought it was pretty great, and Nathalie said; and I quote; "this tea party has enriched my childhood" xD It was cute. Then we watched 17 again, WHICH if anyone is thinking of watching, is a pretty awesome movie, "i had low expectations, but was pleasantly surprised" xD So funny... but yeah, I recommend it, love the actor who plays Ned. Btw. Also in "i love you man". THEN WE DID OUR SPA PARTY. which was so cool. We put this face mask on, and while it dried, you did your foot soak, with the foot scrub, that make your feet abnormally and pleasantly soft and smooth. Then once the face mask has completely and thoroughly dried, then you peel if off your face (which happens to make it look like you're shedding skin, and peeling it off to reveal a shiny, new layer) and it becomes super soft, and amazingly clear. Nathalie took a picture of my face once it was done, and she's like; "Cassandra your complexion is amazing" xD So Im sure that had somthing to do with it as well ;) OH, and then we dipped our hands in wax, and it dried, and you left the hands in bags, and then you peeled the wax off your hands, and they were SUPER SOFT AND AMAZING. so then we painted our nails ^.^ It was a pretty amazing Spa Day. I THINK everyone else would agree with me... i think. But yeah. It was a fun-filled Sweet Sixteen that I will most certainly never forget. Love parties. So much fun. Anyways. thought i'd rant about how sweet of a last couple of days i've had, and how glad I was that nicola, zahra, isabella, nathalie, and cyrina came and stayed for it :D
Thanks guys, Love you to bits :) <3
Soo, currently, i'm with Nicolaaa, Cyrina, Zahra, and Bella :D
We be gettin' ready for a superb tea party.. which no, is not mad hatter style.
To my dismay.
But tis fancy, and stuff, so it'll be uber funn..
but i felt obligated to write something, since i'm sitting in front of a computer, and waiting for sexy lady to arrive. :)
We be gettin' ready for a superb tea party.. which no, is not mad hatter style.
To my dismay.
But tis fancy, and stuff, so it'll be uber funn..
but i felt obligated to write something, since i'm sitting in front of a computer, and waiting for sexy lady to arrive. :)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Status Update
Currently I feel;
Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired.
oh, and just a little bit sleepy :)
Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired Tired.
oh, and just a little bit sleepy :)
Always Considering..
Yay, today I am coming home!
But here's the terrible news... i'll be home around 5:30 ish, considering the 3:15 ferry takes about 2 hours to do its thang.. soo, we'll have to unpack, shower, eat, bed.
And the sad thing? I may not even be able to sleep in, considering the fact that i have to shop, and help mum prepare for MY SWEET SIXTEEN :D yayy. Yet i'd rather sleep D:
Then, i'd come home, and probably won't get to sleep late, considering that i must pack my bags Monday night, and finish them up tuesday, because i'm a freak, and i over-pack, thinking i may forget things. I'd have to start packing Monday night, considering the fact that Cee & Bee are coming over that day, to spend the night, since they have to bring their bags over anyways... much easier to sleepover, then just come again, the next morning.
Although, considering the fact that i'll be super tired, and we'll be spending the next few nights together, it won't xactly be a sleepover sleepover. It'll be a, "here stay the night, and lets actually SLEEP.. not stay up all night, then be super tired the next day".
Hopefully that plan works out ok. It will. Considering the fact that i'll be dogtired from camping the previous week.
Anyways. I REALLY HOPE THAT IT TURNS OUT TO BE A GOOD TRIP! Considering the fact that it's going to rain, it better not ruin my awesome trip D:
oh wait.. i'm not supposed to sigh. that's his job.
I know i just totally confused you. And that that was the upmost total randomness. But considering the fact that this is ME, writing this stinkin' blog that nobody reads, because its all pure nonsense..
it really does make sense. In a nonsensical way. ;)
But here's the terrible news... i'll be home around 5:30 ish, considering the 3:15 ferry takes about 2 hours to do its thang.. soo, we'll have to unpack, shower, eat, bed.
And the sad thing? I may not even be able to sleep in, considering the fact that i have to shop, and help mum prepare for MY SWEET SIXTEEN :D yayy. Yet i'd rather sleep D:
Then, i'd come home, and probably won't get to sleep late, considering that i must pack my bags Monday night, and finish them up tuesday, because i'm a freak, and i over-pack, thinking i may forget things. I'd have to start packing Monday night, considering the fact that Cee & Bee are coming over that day, to spend the night, since they have to bring their bags over anyways... much easier to sleepover, then just come again, the next morning.
Although, considering the fact that i'll be super tired, and we'll be spending the next few nights together, it won't xactly be a sleepover sleepover. It'll be a, "here stay the night, and lets actually SLEEP.. not stay up all night, then be super tired the next day".
Hopefully that plan works out ok. It will. Considering the fact that i'll be dogtired from camping the previous week.
Anyways. I REALLY HOPE THAT IT TURNS OUT TO BE A GOOD TRIP! Considering the fact that it's going to rain, it better not ruin my awesome trip D:
oh wait.. i'm not supposed to sigh. that's his job.
I know i just totally confused you. And that that was the upmost total randomness. But considering the fact that this is ME, writing this stinkin' blog that nobody reads, because its all pure nonsense..
it really does make sense. In a nonsensical way. ;)
Friday, August 7, 2009
Hey all.
so i am currently in Campbell River.. just got back from my trip at Miracle Beach (Dream Lake :P) and am stayin' with ma nana&papa till sunday night :)
but. I just realized.. that.. i'm gonna be 16 in like.. a little over a week :D
Can't WAIT to go camping with Cee, Zee, and Bee.
though.. there are a few other people i can think of who i wish could come ):
Including miss Nix... WHO I'VE JUST READ that is strongly thinking about actually GETTING her tongue ring! :D
YAYYY. so cool//
but i feel like a major chicken... since nic is gettin' her tongue ring,
and cee got her lipring..
i want an eyebrow ring ;)
LOL i'm kidding. so kidding..
so i am currently in Campbell River.. just got back from my trip at Miracle Beach (Dream Lake :P) and am stayin' with ma nana&papa till sunday night :)
but. I just realized.. that.. i'm gonna be 16 in like.. a little over a week :D
Can't WAIT to go camping with Cee, Zee, and Bee.
though.. there are a few other people i can think of who i wish could come ):
Including miss Nix... WHO I'VE JUST READ that is strongly thinking about actually GETTING her tongue ring! :D
YAYYY. so cool//
but i feel like a major chicken... since nic is gettin' her tongue ring,
and cee got her lipring..
i want an eyebrow ring ;)
LOL i'm kidding. so kidding..
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