Thursday, July 23, 2009

Must Buy list #1

Things that I Must Buy; {or already have}

1. Coraline -check-
2. Transformers # 1
3. City of Bones series
4. New Vibrant Micabella colors, so my eyes can look super wicked.

Like that.

5. The most recent Spongebob season, the one with Johnny Depp as a guest star.
6. Blonde Hair dye
7. Fruit Smoothies hand wash, Pineapple Guava
8. Avons hair smoothies, Mango
9. Element Candles & Incence, preffered; Pumpkin

10. Teddy Bear.. for Nathalie :)


Izzy said...

I bought two new MicaBellas.
Pink and a golden brown colour.
They're called "Evoke" and "Decadance"

QueenofSpades said...

Oooh, I'm jealous of the pink .