I went camping, up at Alice Lake. With my mum, sibs, and Anne-Margaret & Tabatha. Family friends. Alice Lake was nice...cept for the raining pine trees. Pine trees fell from the sky, and rained all over everything. Was kinda gross.
Oh, and mum witnessed Inchworm Suicide.
She was sittin' in her chair, and watched an inchworm plummet from the top of a tree, and splat on the ground. She thought it was dead, until it got up, and just kept going. Stupid little thing xD
Anyways. Was an ok trip. Not much to do. It was wake up, eat, lake, eat, lake, eat, lake, sleep. :P
But, while I was gone, I did manage to watch a few new movies!
1. Don't Mess with a Zohan
2. Bedtime Stories
3. Date Movie
Zohan was funny. Little inappropriate, although quite entertaining :D
Bedtime Stories rocked. Loved it. :)
Date Movie was absolutely stupid. I expected it to be, yes, but this was beyond stupid. It wasn't even good.. like scary movie, that was good. Stupid, but good.
Date Movie didn't even make me laugh..
Anyways. I've been thinkn'... that I wanna do like a photoshoot thing. Sorta like what me, Bella & Steph did.
But with like, me, izzy, nic, cee, zee, & steph :D and if nathalie is recovered.. her too.
I wanna put up a big white sheet and everything.
It would be so much fun. We could have some kind of theme.
Of course, I think it should be "Wonderland" but who knows who else would be into that..
SPEAKING OF WONDERLAND. I went to the langley theatre yesterday; Collosus.
And I asked them if they gave away their posters, and you know what they said?
Well, actually, they said sometimes they give them back to their distributors, but if I came back closer to the time that the movie comes out, then yah, i can have it :D
So that made my day, and i'm thinking of going back and getting the Public Enemies one again =3
now i have to go camping again on monday D:
another whole week without me friends :(
OH Nats, she had her surgery.
and i bought her a gift :) A Dollie and a Film, and a story... if i ever get around to finishing it xD
Its all about Queen Ashlinn, and the ordinairy peasants, Natalina, and Cassia who attempt to escape her evil grasps. Ahkno... genious.
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