Friday, November 13, 2009

Double N's

The point of this "blogger" thing is to vent and such,
and also... to "follow" other people. Like your friends, and fashion blogs, and movie critiques etc etc.
So Yes, I follow a good deal of my friends, although there are only TWO friends that religiously blog as I do.. . and I'd rather not say who... so lets call them the Double N's.
Now lately, one of these Double N's has been extremely depressing with her posts... and I don't know what's going on in her life, & I can't help her because she refuses to talk about it.
The thing is, when we hang out... things seem fine. It's like she puts on a mask or something to avoid questions.
And to be perfectly and utterly honest; I'm worried about her. She isn't what I call "healthy" and I just don't know what to do with her. :/
Some of her posts are suggestively scary as well! And I don't quite like that.. at all. My theory with this girl is to wait and have her come to me about her issues. But it doesn't seem like that's going to happen... and I'm puzzled as to what to do with the situation.

AS FOR THE OTHER N. she knows who she is. ;) She's doing perfectly fine. So I thought. But it seems as though she can't get over a certain situation. I don't think that it's the PERSON more or less than the whole Situation, and the fact that one word probably is repeated daily in her mind;
I know its hard N.. but you gotta let go. You'll never know WHY unless you ask. Oh.. and I have some tips from other people to tell you. That you'll probaaably want to know.
Remind me during our next phonecall.

Anyways. I'm off to make & drink some cof cof.
I'm craving the sugary hot drink of lovelyness.

Oh, and nevermind the fact that I have a 2000 word report due end of November for socials. WTF WTF WTF WTF. i don't want to do that!?


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