step into the wild imagination of your not so typically average girl. My name is Cassandra, and you are welcome to walk through my thoughts. Or Frolic, if that's what you prefer.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Hey baabe?
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Easy Bake Cake
Everyone click that link.
Its Miss Nathalie Maynard's new blog, and you should all follow it, because I TOLD YOU TO.
Listen to your queen, peasants. ;)
Mmm.. I had a wonderful night at Potters last night, and I don't entirely want it to be over. But it shall be...this is unfortunately my second last night tonight. Sad ain't it?
With the acception of Miss Nathalie, and Miss Jacqueline. Whom are accompanying me to Potters on the night of Halloween. Along with my cousin, Lexi :)
Although she's 13, but she's pretty mature for her age, so I think it should be fun.
I've lost my voice. And I sound all squeeky, and pitch iffy like a pre-pubescent boy. Although my voice is abnormally high, and nothing like a boy at all. There's just no better way to explain it.
Drama Club was most dissapointing today. Unfortunately the fellow said not a word to me.. which was saddening. I don't like it when he ignores me D: its upsetting.
And i wish dearly to express to you my plans for the event that is occuring this Thursday, but I'm forbidden from spilling the guts to ANYone. T_T
But I'm preparing tonight :)
I'm going to my very first concert. :) U2.
In a private suite with unlimited food & drink. I'm slightly psyched.
Anyways. I dunno, i suppose this was just a random blog post full of random facts ... certainly un-productive in Photography. Again.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Hardships of Photography
I'm dead tired.
Incredibly, and most completely exhausted. I GOT ONLY LIKE... 3/4 HOURS OF SLEEP LAST NIGHT!!! caan you believe that?
Although I watched "GREASE" for the very first time yesterday. & I liked it. :)
It was a give in though, because I tend to ALREADY love those type of movies, BEFORE I see them.
Althought the character "Sandy" bugs me slightly...
Speaking of psyching myself out into loving movies before I see them... "NINE" !!. Not the robot/doll movie produced by Tim Burton. No. Although.. that too. i s'pose.
But its this Italian corset and skirt movie... like Chicago. AND ITS A MUSICAL.
deadly excited.
because all the amazing people like Breanna & Alex are leaving next year! AND I WON'T EVER SEE THEM AGAIN.
its sad.
it saddens me D:
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I have the busiest next 10 days of my life.
Considering all the volunteer work that I'm doing, all the Nights I work at potters (tonight -Tuesday) and on wednesday;
U2. Daddy got tickets to go to a Private Suite with unlimited food and drink. Its brilliant, and quite fantastic. I'm going with DaDa, Uncle, & Brother.
On my only day off. of Potters.
I'm cold. I'm Freezing. IM COLD AND FREEZING.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Friday = relief.
SO. Here's my AMAZING itenerary pour la jour;
- Photo class first block :) So.. chill.
- Library in math today... also chill.
- Off to a grade 9 radio play presentation in the Drama room at lunch.
- Drama class :) ah love drama class.
- Socials = No tests, no Essays, just doodling in ma chair. :D
- Improv :) loves the improv..
- Home for half an hour.. eat something quick, change clothing.
- First night at Potters House of Horrors!
Isn't that like.. an amazing day? I should think so. Days like these start my weekend off amazingly. This weekend I also have a number of things I'd like to do...
- Choreo with Jacqueline
- Plan something with Nicola.. since we're long overdue a visit.
- The Cinema.. Fame? Few other options...
- Finish my books
- Do all my homework that still needs doing. T_T
Weekend is not that bad, I'm working at Potters all weekend as well, so I'll be quite tired come monday. Especially if I get the "screaming" parts, my voice will be shot by Sunday morning, nevermind Monday. Rawr.
SO. I told far too many people about The Fellow, and it quite annoys me deeply that I did. I never intended to tell like.. more than 2 people. And I HAVE NO RESISTANCE AND IT BUGS ME SO EFFING MUCH. People that know;
a) Nathalie (duh, i tell her EVERYthing)
b) Isabella (her too..)
c) Nicola (I THINK i told her.. can't remember XD)
d) Alex (cause she guessed, and she's stupid)
e) Breanna (PEER PRESSURE)
f) Stephanie (PEER PRESSURE again.)
Note to Self; Cassandra can't even keep her OWN secrets. >.<
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Peer Pressure!
This is what I hear from all you painfully obnoxious people lately!
Sometimes I have things that I REALLY want to just keep a secret. But then people are all; CASSSAAAANDRAAA TELL ME. So I do. Because they make me feel terrible.
And my goal was to have them NOT know. As little people as possible,
A) Its embarrassing to like someone who doesn't like you back
B) I hate when a whole bunch of people know, so then they can tease you
C) Especially if I start talking to the Fellow, and they start giving me those"looks"... the ones that are all "OMG YOU LIKE HIM"
D) When so many people know, he's bound to figure it out. And once he figures it out, he might not want to be friends with me anymore, because that's how some stupid Fellows are. T_T
Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Fairest Maynard of them all....

1. The cow pees on the man
2. Babies don't cry.
SHUTTUP, just, SHUT UR MOUTH. I thought they were perfectly FINE examples of brilliancy. T_T give me a break, i'm stupid. xD But anyways, how about I splain to you how me and Nathalie here, are like. CONNECTED, PSYCHOLOGICALLY :O :O :O. bet ur not connected psychologically to ur best friend. WHAT NAO BROWN COW? XD
Okay ready?
20.. 40.. HUT. no i kid.
So We have this ... 'thing' where we are both neutral (this almost NEVER happens, very rare the neutral part) and things are neither good nor bad for either of us. But then a turning point happens, and lets say, Cassandra tries out for improv team, gets involved at school, meets tons of new people and is INCREDIBLY happy and always excited to come to school. This is Cassandra's "Happy Turn". But because Cassandra is Happy... Nathalie must counter this feeling with Sadness. So Nathalie goes to a movie with her ex-boyfriend who brings another girl, and her date decided to be a no-show, and everything goes DOWN DOWN hill for nathalie. D: ... but this doesn't last long. Because when one goes UP, you tend to go back down. So then eventually Cassandra gets Swine Flu, doesn't talk to anyone for a week, is ignored by the Fellow and has the suckiest time of her life ever. Then Nathalie gets asked out by the hottest dude in the school, goes on a date and life is particularily AMAZING for her.
So that pretty much sums it up. Now I must unfortunately, leave. Because I've just overcome with a terrible sense of TIRED NESS. so to end this post, i'll leave you with an amazing picture

Saturday, October 10, 2009
You Have Entered the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Starting out Good...
Today is the final day of "Spirit Week" at school, Pyjama Day. I participated with Pajama pants, a matching PJ sweater, a regular t-shirt, and Slippers :D woo. OH and how could I forget my ever so finishing touch of an accessory; Mr Ichabod Crane, of whom I have the pleasure of accompanying me to my classes today. :)
(For those of you who are confused... Ichabod Crane is my beloved Sock Monkey... who in his time has endured abuse from me and my friends, but it was in the most loving and kindly of ways.)
Although this is really the only Spirit Week day that I participated in unfortunately. The rest of the spirit days were quite lame to put it bluntly, for example;
Twin Day. ...
Jersey Day. T_T
Celebrity Day
Career Day.
I did have an absolutely brilliant idea for Celebrity day, I was going to come to class with a ginormous clock around my neck, and be the man we all know as; FLAVA FLAVE. Unfortunately, I took this day as a sick at home in bed day. It was a good day... I slept for 16 hours, got up, ate. Went back to bed, and watched Coraline & Edward Scissorhands, then proceeded to get ready for YLD, which was quite the dissapointing event that night. I also did a lot of journaling that day, for those of you who don't know, I journal regularily... i usually say Religiously, but lately I'm not into the word "religion" it bugs me. For various reasons that I may or may not get to later.
I would love to use this blog as like, a ... spill your guts type of blog. But I'm not entirely sure of who really reads this, and some people will come up to me in the halls, people that I would hardly expect at all to read my blog, and they'll say things like; Oh, I took a glance at your blog last night, that part about bla bla bla, it was really great.
And I respond like... Thank you. and then I run off to find somebody to tell them how this random person reads my blog. And considering the fact that the link is on facebook... its really fair game for anyone to read. And therefore, this is why somebody brilliant invented the amazing concept of; CODENAMES. xD
I know that those are SO sixth grade for some of you, but me & a LOT of my friends still have codenames for certain people and places. They usually originate from like, inside jokes or a mouth typo.
So for those of you who know me dearly... see if you can figure this out ;)
So yesterday I was informed that this one fellow thought it was quite fine & dandy when people dress up and do stuff for spirit week. This one Fellow is a fine fellow at that, so I decided OMG I'M SO DRESSING UP FOR PYJAMA DAY.
So I came to school all pimped out in my pyjama's and I did not see him, because this fellow like DISSAPEARS in the hallways like some kind of SECRET NINJA. T_T I hate secret ninja's, because you can only see them if YOU yourself, are a secret ninja. ITS SO ANNOYING. Anyways, I really am quite entirely fond of this fine Fellow, and will be reffering to him quite often, since I'm odd and interesting like that. Oh, and if you haven't guessed, his codename shall and forever will be either;
I had my orientation at Potters House of Horrors yesterday! OMG ITS SO AMAZING THIS YEAR I'M NOT EVEN JOKING. It has a theme this year, which is ; "Potters Hell School" and each room is a classroom, such as; Woodworking (MY FAVE), Cafeteria (THE SCARIEST), Drama Departement, Boys Bathroom, Regular Classroom, and a few other alternate rooms that don't entirely go along with the theme, but are amazing anyhow. I LOVE IT SO MUCH, i cannot WAIT to work there.
I'll post my official schedule up later, for those of you who want to come visit me ;) (YOU SHOULD, JUST TOTALLY PLEASE COME VISIT ME)
Anyways that should be enough randomness and information for today. All though I'm sure most of you just skimmed those lovely paragraphs of nothing ness. :)
And now, i shall be typing out a poem I wrote... :D
ttfn. xo.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Just a little something....
I wrote it quite completely in a mere 15 minutes, so if it does not meet your expectations, I deeply sympathize.
The Garden; episode 23
Her eyes glistened with tears as she ran her fingers across the fountain of the garden. Their garden. The garden they had spent countless hours in, reminiscing memories…and creating new adventures to tell of later. She stood motionless for what seemed like forever, and backed up to sit on the bench that Geoffrey and her sat on every afternoon. Everyday, they used to come here and just sit and stare at their enchanting garden. They had found it on one of their earliest adventures, soon after the wedding…just a lovely garden with a broken water fountain in the centre. As lovely as the garden was, it was vacant and cold. So they planted flowers, her and Geoffrey, flowers of every sort and every color, surrounding the water fountain of which Geoffrey mended with his own hands. They had adopted this garden, and permitted butterflies, insects, birds and squirrels to wander throughout it as they pleased. And soon it dawned upon them that no one came there but them, and it was their very own secret garden, of which they would tend to and take care of themselves. It wasn’t very practical to tend to the garden from home, so they simply moved to the suburbs. A house that was conveniently for sale about a mile’s stroll from their garden, and which she or Geoffrey would walk this mile everyday alone, or together. Once he passed away, she stopped nurturing to the garden day after day, and spent mindless hours in bed mourning for the loss of her loved one. The flowers grew out of hand and spread to wild extents, covering the stone pathways with vines and weeds. The water fountain had dried out and grown rusty, brown spots covering the bowl of the fountain no longer making it a pleasure to gaze upon. And as the garden slowly died, so did she. Today was the first day in a year that she had step foot into the garden. Their garden. A tear dropped gravely onto the edge of the bench, and she wiped it away with a sigh as she rose calmly and collectively, and she walked down the path of their garden towards home, for the very last time.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
but so you know?
You did. (:
So I FOUND A FELLOW OBSESSEE. not really, but I did find someone who 'enjoys' Johnny Depp, and this makes me incredi-happy, ;
I can not. wait. for our epic Johnny Depp sleepover marathon of ultimate doom. It is going to be FANTASTIC. I've never actually watched more than like, 5/6 Johnny movies in one session. xD
And Katy Wheelhouse is coming too, and neither of them have seen Secret Window, WHICH IS A SHAAAAME, A SHAME! so, we shall watch it , and i shall love.
Oh Mr Depp how I wish to meet you...
Drama club today. Some brilliant ideas for ... well i'm not entirely allowed to broadcast it all over the world, so how bout I just tell you that its brilliant? :P
If you are a giraffe, and you did not have a noise, well you now do.
(Courtesy of me & Taylor Cheramy) :D
Agh, and now to end off this post of absolute lameness?
you *points*
Made my dayyy... (8)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Oh wow.
I'm like that loser in every book, where things just go wrong for them for no particular reason. You know, the one that never gets the guy etc. This time, not only do I not get the guy, but he goes for my best friend. Although the chances of me & this guy was like. 0.00 %. I wouldn't have been so upset, if it weren't my BEST FRIEND.
Then the other guy, that I'm mildly interested in, decided to pretend I don't exist. Which yeknow, is always a magical experience. ... love it, don't you?
Then Halloween. HALLOWEEN, Is my ultimate FAVOURITE-IST holiday. I adore it more than Christmas. I had this amazing costume, Alice in Wonderland, and it came to be FAR too expensive for me.. like 75$ too expensive, so I was out of luck for awhile. I considered being a Witch, when Kails and I had the brilliant idea to be a pair! I was really really REALLY excited.
We were going to be the Angel & The Devil, when she so suddenly decided to be a 'Flapper Girl' and now I'm screwed again..
I'm not mad at her for deciding to be a Flapper Girl, I'm just pissed that I have to decide on a new costume. I s'pose I could just be a Witch. Suits me, if you ask me.
Then the fact that I had Swine Flu for this past week, and had to stay home from school. I hated it with every fibre in my being.
Homework is gonna be a bit** when I get back to school, and I'm most definitely not excited.
And in general? I'm in a downright pissy mood.
Friday, October 2, 2009
So. So. So DONE
Like I loved getting sick, cause i'd be like WOOO I get to stay home, and go on facebook all day long and not go to class WOOOO
I WAS WRONG. I mean, I guess its ok when you have a minor cold, but even now if I have a minor cold, I still go to school. I just am really upset that I missed this whole week of school.
AND YOU HAVE NO IDEA. HOW MUCH I WANTED TO GO TO IMPROV TODAY. NO. IDEA. I wanted to go sooo badly. But. Life decided to be all;
& now I have to wait a whole nother week.
OH. and Collage Collectives = me not apart of. ):
OH AND DOUBLE OH, I had to cancel my freakin' movie party. I DID NOT. WANT TO CANCEL. MY MOVIE PARTY. I'm so angry.. you have no clue.
And I've officially watched every movie I own 10 million times.
I can now officially recite at least 100 lines from the following movies;
4. EDWARD SCISSORHANDS (practically memorised this one)
And Still, can proudly recite THE ENTIRE MOVIE of
Simply ace, wicked.
*sigh* i have no life.
THATS A LIE. forget i said that, I most certainly DO have a life, just... not at the moment because I'm too occupied being sick.
Alright, well. I'm off to have a bath... of super hot and bubbly-ness, with Honeysuckle Oil. :D
I'll catch you later,
possibly will entertain you further, with a much longer, much no less entertaining post .
nobody reads these anyways.
so i may as well go crazy.